Monday 3 October 2016

Virtual world


Our perception of ourselves, our perceived level of our own intelligence, health, and quality of life is fuelled by scales of comparison. No wonder we enjoy entering into the virtual world where we can suspend our actual beliefs. In this virtual world we forget and we flow with the things around us. Now imagine we could bring that feeling of flowing with the things around us back into our reality. It would mean dropping the need to compare ourselves to others, and it would also mean dropping the need to compare ourselves to our past or future selves. It would mean we could live in the present. Our thoughts and decisions for the future would inevitably be better ones. So try to flow with whats around you and live in the moment.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Physiotherapy and sculpture


The touch of the sun on your skin; the touch from a friend on your shoulder; the touch of clay between your fingers! Touch has the ability to change things and influence the way we feel. Sculpting for me is a way of reminding me why I became a physiotherapist. Touch can guide and mould and recreate and is a form of communication and is responsive - sculpting with your hands on clay is the same. Have a look at a few fun things that I have created with clay: